I have never played golf in my life, but I always admired women who do so. They all seem so athletic and get into the intellectual portion of the game. I was asked to go and play golf at the Red Rock Country Club in Las Vegas. This was such an opportunity for me! I learned I have a new hobby from my experience. Read on to learn about my date with a golf-loving client who lives in the area.
I Took The Job Happily
When I got the call from one of my favorite clients, I knew I would not turn him down no matter what he wanted to do. He is always very caring toward me, and we always have a blast. He asked me if I would like to meet up with him for a round of golf with him and a few of his coworkers. The coworkers were bringing along dates of their own, and everyone was going to be playing the game together. This sounded like it could be fun!